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Pediatric Dilated Cardiomyopathy Recovery After Use of Left Ventricular Assist Device
This video shows a female toddler with diagnosed idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. The patient presented with worsening symptoms of congestive heart failure, and was admitted to the critical care unit for observation and optimization of medical therapy. During the hospitalization, an echocardiogram was performed, and demonstrated severely depressed biventricular cardiac function, with ejection fraction less than 10%. While admitted, the patient began to demonstrate signs of multi-organ failure and troubling dysrhythmias. The patient was listed for cardiac transplantation as a Status 1A, and evaluated for mechanical circulatory support. The patient was temporized with a Berlin Heart Excor® left ventricular assist device, and subsequently organ function improved. After a few weeks, surveillance echocardiograms began to demonstrate a trend towards improving myocardial function. A multi-disciplinary group initiated the discussion of transitioning the child’s recovery strategy away from transplantation.