The authors of this article aimed to describe survival and clinical outcomes beyond 30 years of follow-up after surgical repair of Tetralogy of Fallot. They found a survival of 72% after 40 years. Health status was comparable to the Dutch population.
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November 13, 2014
November 9, 2014
The correlation between "field independence"--i.e., the ability to ignore distracting visual stimuli--and surgical skills was examined in this simulator model. Resident participants, after undergoing field dependence testing, were asked to place curved needles in a mitral valve model at 10 premarked sites.
October 27, 2014
Aortic valve repair has encouraging mid- and long-term results in selected patients. This video describes the tailored cusp extension valvuloplasty surgical technique.
October 25, 2014
The authors of this piece summarize how surgery has changed over the past decades. They do this using the mnemonic: TWO POEMS:
October 20, 2014
This video demonstrates a hybrid procedure for the closure of a large muscular ventricular septal defect in a 4-month-old boy. This direct approach is very useful in small patients with apical defects and difficult vascular access.
October 13, 2014
Recorded during the the 2014 EACTS Annual Meeting in Milan, Italy, this roundtable discussion addresses the duty of candor in medical practice.
October 12, 2014
EACTS Secretary General A. Pieter Kappetein discusses highlights of the 2014 EACTS Annual Meeting taking place in Milan, Italy.
October 11, 2014
EACTS President Paul Van Schil and Past President Jose Pomar discuss exciting aspects and special features of the 2014 EACTS Annual Meeting taking place in Milan, Italy.
October 8, 2014
Stephen Yang of Johns Hopkins discusses the importance of mentorship in cardiothoracic surgery. Dr. Yang encourages fellow surgeons to become active mentors to medical students as well as CT surgery residents, and shares advice for mentoring millennials.
October 1, 2014
Massimo Caputo of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago discusses his experience as a CTSNet contributor. Dr. Caputo has contributed four videos on congenital heart surgery to CTSNet’s educational resources.