This video contains a brief presentation on a patient with a previous failed mitral repair, and then a narrated operative video demonstrating the steps of the mitral valve replacement.
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Videos - General
September 25, 2014
This video demonstrates a VATS lobectomy on a 54-year-old female patient with localized bronchiectasis.
September 24, 2014
This video commences with a brief presentation on the management of Type A aortic dissections and proceeds into an operative video showing the steps used when operating on these cases.
September 22, 2014
This video demonstrates a simple method to repair the atrial septal defect and redirect the pulmonary venous return, which can be performed through an upper ministernotomy approach.
September 17, 2014
This video demonstrates a minimally invasive aortic valve replacement, using neck lines and an Edwards Intuity bioprosethesis.
September 15, 2014
This video demonstrates a new minimally invasive mitral valve repair simulator.
September 9, 2014
This video demonstrates a heart transplantation in a patient with an LVAD.
September 8, 2014
This video shows a 3 cm single incision VATS left-lower lobectomy and lymph node dissection for non-small cell carcinoma.
September 4, 2014
This video shows a lobectomy with a video thoracoscope on a 72-year-old male patient with right upper lobe lung squamous cell cancer.
September 2, 2014
This video demonstrates an endovascular aortic repair for a penetrating aortic ulcer.