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Videos - General

June 21, 2022
Joel Dunning’s initial impressions on uniportal thoracic robotic surgery.
June 14, 2022
This video presents a uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery left lower posterobasal anatomic segmentectomy S10. The segmentectomy uses the inferior approach, which is less difficult technically because it avoids the fissure dissection of the bronchovascular elements. When the fissure is incomplete, this inferior approach is the best approach.
June 13, 2022
This video demonstrates a completely endoscopic transareolar complex mitral valve reconstruction in the setting of infective endocarditis with late presentation.
June 8, 2022
This video and text describe the utility and technique of a totally robotic-assisted pulmonary resection with concomitant left atrial appendage ligation.
June 7, 2022
This video presents the clinical case of atrial septal defect patch repair via right axillary minithoracotomy with central cannulation for CPB and induced artificial ventricular fibrillation.
June 6, 2022
This is a video of thoracic surgeon Joel Dunning’s dream operating room. He was able to bring an intraoperative CT scanner called the Cios-Spin into his robotic theater so he can mark nodules himself prior to robotic resection.
June 2, 2022
This is the case of thirty-four-year-old woman who presented with a long-term history of left flank pain, groin pain, and proteinuria. She underwent a venography, angiography, and CT scan.
June 1, 2022
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most widely recognized cardiovascular arrhythmia related to expanded morbidity and mortality commonly caused by stroke or the intensification of heart failure (1,2).
May 31, 2022
A forty-seven-year-old woman presented multiple times with a reoccurring bronchopleural fistula and post-pneumonectomy multi-drug resistant empyema. In challenging cases like this, a multidisciplinary approach between thoracic and plastic surgery is imperative.
May 26, 2022
This video demonstrates how experience with routine minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting makes it possible to successfully and safely perform more complex procedures through the same incision.
