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Christos Simoglou
Christos Sotirios Simoglou, M.D.MSc(c)

2003 Master of Arts in Medicine
2003-2005 Obligatory Military Service:in the Greek Army as a reserve second lieutenant in Military Healthcare
2005 General Medical Council (Full Registration), United Kingdom
07/2010 - 08/2013 General Surgery Specialty Training, General Hospital of Komotini
09/2013 - 01/2018 Cardiac Surgery Specialty Training, University General Hospital of Evros, Greece
ICU-CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY: I participated the preoperative evaluation and postoperative support of patients and weaning (discontinuation partial ventilation support) in the ICU of the Cardiothoracic Department, for postoperative Cardiothoracic patients.
I participated intraoperative and postoperative in the ICU Bronchoscopies. Also I participated the surgical procedures in the ICU (e.g. placement of closed chest drainage, central IV line for administration of fluids, pericardial punctures, IABP placement (Certificates).
04/03/2019 – 06/07/2020: Rural Doctor, General Hospital Kavala, Surgical Department Greece.
20/08/2020 – 04/01/2022. Cardiothoracic Surgeon, University General Hospital of Heraklion, Crete.Greece
05/01/2022 up today.General Hospital of Athens Hippocratio,Greece
Cardiac Department
Member of Organizing Committees Conference
13-14/05/2016. Member of the Organizing Committee of the Symposium-8o Symposium working groups of Greek Society Thoracic Surgeons-Heart and Vessels, Alexandroupoli, Greece. (Certificate).
20-21/01/2022. Member of the Organizing Committee Members Series of - Physicians Conferences - International Conference on Physicians and Surgeons(Virtual)
Other Interests
surgery for heart valve disease
aortic surgery
aortic root replacement
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Coronary Disease
Robotic Cardiac Surgery
Off-pump Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac Surgical Innovation and Less Invasive Surgical
Additional Educational Information
Complete publications in International Medical Journals Pubmed-Indexed for Medline / Scopus:6
Publications in Posts Summaries in Greek Volumes Conference Proceedings:45
Complete Publications in Greek Medical Journals:20
Publications in Posts Abstracts in International Conference Proceedings Volumes:10
Publications in International Medical Journals:23
Publications in CTSNet. The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network:1
CITATIONS-h index 50
Postgraduate Titles
07-08 May 2011. I received the certificate of ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) -A.CHE.PA.-Thessaloniki, Greece, after passing the written and oral examinations. Director, Professor Charlaftis. (Certificate).
16/03//2014. Basic Life Support (BLS) Course (Certificate).
12/06/2014 Immediate Life Support (ILS) Course (Certificate).
Simoglou C., Simoglou L., Simoglou L., Babalis D.,
Surgical Department Sismanoglio General Hospital of Komotini, Greece
29 National Congress of General Surgery and the International Surgical Forum 2014 12-15 November Athens, Greece, PRAISE THE SECOND BEST POSTER
5/2013. Honorary Mention of the Board Komotini General Hospital for my participation in the BIT's 6th Annual World Congress of Cancer
Xi'an, China as Speaker as the only Greek speaker.
Critic (reviewer) journals :(18)
1) Biologics: Targets and Therapy Calendar year 2013 (Certificate)
2) Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare Calendar year 2014(Certificate)
3) Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare Calendar year 2015 (Certificate)
4) OncoTargets and Therapy Calendar year 2013 (Certificate)
5) OncoTargets and Therapy Calendar year 2014 (Certificate)
6) OncoTargets and Therapy Calendar year 2015 (Certificate)
7) Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management Calendar year 2014
8) Word Journal of Cardiology Calendar year 2015(Certificate)
9) Word Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery Calendar year 2015 (Certificate),
Paper Title: The forgotten (tricuspid) valve: third time right time.
10) Word Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery Calendar year 2016 (Certificate),
Paper Title: Experience with Prosthetic Valve Replacement in Indigents with Rheumatic Heart Disease in Nigeria: 10 years Follow Up
11. British Medical Journal of Surgery Calendar year 2013
Paper Title: Total Heterotopic Ossification of an Acellular Dermal Matrix for Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
12) British Medical Journal of Surgery Calendar year 2014 (Certificate)
13) British Medical Journal of Surgery Calendar year 2015 (Certificate)
Paper Title: Aspergillus Terreus Endocarditis with Right Femoral Artery Ischemia in an immunocompetent patient Presenting With Right Lumbar Pain
14) Aperito Journal of Dermatology Calendar year 2015,
Paper Title: A neglected basal cell carcinoma in a young patient: Successful treatment with Immune Cryosurgery
15) Omics Publishing Group Biomedical Journals 2015-2016 (Reviewing 6 papers) (Certificate)
- Paper Title: Ultrastructural Characters and Immunophenotype Distribution of Telocyte in Female. Genital Tract of Adult Albino Rats.
- Paper Title: Inhibitory Effects of Hybrid Liposomes on the Growth of Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells and Anti-invasive Activity by Ceramide Generation without any Drugs.
- Paper Title: Sudden Cardiac Arrest During Treadmill Test Secondary to Slow Coronary Flow.
- Paper Title: An Handicap in Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: Dynamic Outflow Obstruction.
- Physical exercise in the prevention and rehabilitation of cardiac patients. The Cuban experience in the Primary Health Care System.
- Thoracic Surgery: Clinics in Surgery.
Paper Title:" Is Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery lobectomy The Best Choice for The Treatment of Lung Cancer?”(Certificate)
- Folia Medica
- BMJ Case Reports
Paper Title: RE: bcr-2017-220988 Granulomatous hepatitis in a patient with Crohn’s disease and cholestasis( Certificate)
Member of Medical Associations (International-Greek)
1. Member of Medical Associations Kavala-Greece
2. British Medical Association (BMA)-United Kingdom
Foreign Languages
1. English: Excellent
2. Bulgarian: Excellent
Scientific Work-Full Posts by Critics, Med line - International- Medline and Greek Medical Journals
1. Undifferentiated pleiomorphic sarcoma simultaneously occurring with thymoma.
Simoglou C, Tsolakis N.
J Thorac Dis. 2014 Sept; 6 (9): E188-90. doi: 10.3978 / j.issn.2072- 1439.2014.09.05. PMID: 25276394 [Pub Med]
2. Abdominal wall endometrioma mimicking an incarcerated hernia: a case report
Christos Simoglou, Paul Zarogoulidis, Nikolaos Machairiotis, Konstantinos Porpodis, Lambros Simoglou, Alexandros Mitrakas, Agisilaos Esebidis, Eirini Sarika, George Kouklakis, Alkis Iordanidis, Nikolaos Katsikogiannis
Int J Gen Med. 2012? 5: 569-571. Published online 2012 June29. doi: 10.2147 / IJGM.S32904
PMCID: PMC3396112 [Pub Med]
3. Difficult airway and difficult intubation in postintubation tracheal stenosis: a case report and literature review.
Paul Zarogoulidis, Theodoros Kontakiotis, Kosmas Tsakiridis, Michael Karanikas, Christos Simoglou, Konstantinos Porpodis, Alexandros Mitrakas, Agisilaos Esebidis, Maria Konoglou, Nikolaos Katsikogiannis, Vasilis Zervas, Christina Aggelopoulou, Dimitrios Mikroulis, Konstantinos Zarogoulidis
Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2012? 8: 279-286. Published online 2012 June27. doi: 10.2147 / TCRM.S31684
PMCID: PMC3395408 [Pub Med]
4. The surgery of colorectal cancer in the small town Komotini.
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulou E., Simoglou L., Gimnopoulou M., Nikolaou K., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Clinic Sismanoglio Genaral Hospital of Komotini
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare DOI
J Multidiscip Healthc. 2012; 5: 273-6. doi: 10.2147 / JMDH.S30554. Epub 2012 Oct 18. PMID: 23152685 [PubMed]
5. Giant 10 cm Diameter Esophageal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST)
Christos Simoglou *, Dimitrios Mikroulis, Fotios Konstantinou, Georgios Bougioukas
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
World Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 2014, 4, 177-180
Published Online November 2014 in SciRes.
6. Report on Acute Aortic Dissection Type A
C. Simoglou, F. Konstantinou, D. Mikroulis, S. Eleftheriadis, G. Bougioukas
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros, Democritus University of Thrace,
World Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 2015, 5, 1-5
DOI: 10.4236 / wjcs.2015.51001
7. Retroperitoneal Hematoma Tracing: A comparative evaluation of accessible methods of study.
Simoglou C., Babalis D., Simoglou L., Nikolaou K., Gimnopoulos D.
General Hospital of Komotini Surgical Department, Greece
Hellenic Journal of Surgery (2014) 86: 4, 248-253
8. Surgery of colon cancer in a district hospital
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulou E., Babalis D., Gimnopoulou M., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Clinic Sismanogleio General Hospital Komotini
Hellenic Journal of Surgery 2012; 84: 1
9. Mirizzi Syndrom
Simoglou C., Simoglou L., Babalis D.
Surgical Clinic Sismanogleio General Hospital of Komotini
Hellenic Journal of Surgery 2013; 85: 2
10.Thoracic trauma: Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment
C. Simoglou, L. Simoglou, D. Gimnopoulos
Department of Surgery, General Hospital of Komotini "Sismanoglio", North. Greece
Scientific Chronicles 2012; 17 (2): 55-65
11. Surgical dealing with blunt abdominal trauma
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulou I. Dr. Med Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Department, General Hospital Komotini
Galenus Medical Journal. Volume 2011, Issue 5, Pages 312-322., 2011
12. Colorectal cancer
Simoglou Ch., Simoglou L., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgery Clinic General Hospital Komotini
Galenus Medical Journal 2012; 54: 225-240
13. Rare case report of choledocho-duodenal fistula with gastroduodenal outlet obstruction due to a large gallstone (Bouveret's syndrome)
Simoglou Chr. , Simoglou L., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Clinic General Hospital, Komotini
Scientific Chronicles 2013; 18 (1): 49-52
14. Thoracic and abdominal trauma in children
C. Simoglou, L. Simoglou, D. Babalis, D. Gimnopoulos.
Department of Surgery, Sismanoglio General Hospital, Komotini, Greece
Scientific Chronicles 2013; 18 (1): 18-22
15. Resection (Laparoscopic) of a Giant Mesenteric Cystic Lymphangioma: Case Report.
Simoglou C., Simoglou L. Babalis D.
Surgical Department, General Hospital Sismanoglio, Komotini,
Hellenic Journal of Surgery 2013; 85: 2
16. Abdominal wall endometrioma mimicking an incarcerated hernia: a case report
D. Babalis, C. Simoglou
Surgical Department, General Hospital Sismanoglio, Komotini,
Hellenic Journal of Surgery 2012; 84: 4
17. Chest and abdomen injuries in childhood
Ch. Simoglou, L. Simoglou, D. Babalis, D. Gimnopoulos
Surgical Department, Sismanoglio General Hospital, Komotini
(Scientific Annals 2013; 18 (1):)
18. Indications and Administration Change Antibiotics in Surgical Sepsis
Simoglou C.
Published in Magazine 03/2011 Lever. 6th Issue
19. Preoperative Study trauma patient. Priorities.
Simoglou C.
Published in Magazine 05/2011 Lever. 8th Issue
20. Treatment of septic patients. When it should be done by changing the shape of Antibiotics in Surgical Sepsis.
Simoglou C.
04/2011 Published in the journal 'Lever'. Issue 7th
21. Home Remedy trauma patient
Simoglou C.
Published 12/2011 in the Journal 'Lever'. Issue 15
22. Prognostic Role of Serum C - reactive protein in Esophageal
Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
C. Simoglou1, L. Simoglou2
1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros,
Alexandroupoli, Greece
2Department of General Surgery, General Hospital of Komotini, Greece
Hellenic Journal of Surgery (2014) 86: 6, 354-360
23. Visual loss after cardiopulmonary bypass (CABG) for coronary artery disease. a report of case.
Christos Simoglou, Fotios Konstantinou, Dimitrios Mikroulis, Savvas Eleftheriadis, Georgios Bougioukas
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Hospital of Evros, Democritus University of Thrace Greece
World Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (WJCS) 2015,5, 45-48
DOI: 10.4236/wjcs.2015.55008
24. The Accuracy of Computed Tomography in the Pretreatment T and N Staging
of Colorectal Cancer
Christos Simoglou1, Dimitrios Tsolakidis2, Ioannis Papadopoulos3,
1Department of Surgery, General Hospital of Komotini,
2 Department of Surgical Oncology, University Hospital of Alexandroupoli
3 Department of Radiology, University Hospital of Alexandroupoli, Greece
Hospital Chronicles 2015, 10 (1): 19-25
25.Prognostic role of serum C-reactive protein in esophageal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
C. Simoglou, L. Simoglou
Department of General Surgery, General Hospital of Komotini
Hellenic Journal of Surgery (2014) 86: 6, 355-361
26. Large diameter oesophageal leiomyoma: a report of case.
Christos Simoglou, Dimitrios Mikroulis, Fotios Konstantinou, Savvas Eleftheriadis, Georgios Bougioukas
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros,
Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Hellenic Journal of Surgery (2015)87:3,268-270
27. Thymoma.two hard masses of large diameter about 9 cm
C. Simoglou, F. Konstantinou, D. Mikroulis, I. Bougioukas G. Bougioukas
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros, Greece
Hellenic Journal of Surgery (2015)87:3,273-275
28. Pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and diagnosis of syndrome marfan
C. Simoglou1, N. Galanopoulos2
1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Universityy General Hospital of Evros, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupoli
2Outpatient Rheumatology Clinic University Hospital of Evros
Scientific Chronicles 2015; 20(2): 133-146.
29. Giant pulmonary echinococcus cyst. a case report
Christos Simoglou1, Dimitrios Gimnopoulos2
1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros,
2 Private Clinic General Surgery, Komotini, Greece
Scientific Chronicles 2016; 21(2): 180-184
30. Adjunctive Surgical Atrial Fibrillation Ablation during Cardiac Surgery: Real Life Experiences
Christos Simoglou.
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros,
CT SNet. The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network
31. Giant Pulmonary Echinococcus Cyst
Christos Simoglou1, Dimitrios Gymnopoulos2
1 Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros, Greece
2Private Clinic, Komotini, Greece
J. Transl. Med. Res 2016; 21(4):307-309 DOI: 10.21614/jtmr-21-4-107
32. A macroscopic analysis of the epidemiology of thoracic aorta atherosclerosis: An autopsy study
Apostolos S. Gogakos1,2, Fotios Chatzinikolaou1,2, Triantafyllia Koletsa3, Leonidas Pavlidis4, Dimitrios Paliouras2, Thomas Rallis2, Nikolaos Schizas2, Paul Zarogoulidis5 , Georgia Trakada6, Christos Simoglou7, Nikolaos Katsikogiannis7, Eirini Sarika7, Achilleas Lazopoulos2, Ilias Karapantzos8, Pavlos Sarafis9, Nikolaos Barbetakis2
1Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece;
2. Thoracic Surgery Department, Theagenio Cancer Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece;
3. Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece;
4. Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece;
5. Pulmonary Department-Oncology Unit, “G. Papanikolaou” General Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece;
6. Division of Pulmonology, Department of Clinical Therapeutics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine, Alexandra Hospital, Athens, Greece;
7. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros, Greece
8. Ear, Nose and Throat Department, “Saint Luke” Private Hospital, Panorama, Thessaloniki, Greece;
9. Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus.
J Biomed 2017; 2(1):39-44. doi:10.7150/jbm.17983
33. The polymorphism of cytochrome P450 CYP2C19 and resistance to clopidogrel.
C. Simoglou.
Scientific Chronicles 2017; 22(1): 54-63
34. Outflow Obstruction in Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
Simoglou C1, Gimnopoulos D2
1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Hospital of Evros, Greece 2 2Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery Private Clinic St. Luke’s Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece
Austin J Clin Case Rep. 2018; 5(2): 1131.
35. Sudden Cardiac Arrest during Treadmill Test Secondary to Slow Coronary Flow
Simoglou C1, Gymnopoulos D2
1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros, Greece
2 Private Clinic, Greece
Austin Cardiol. 2018; 3(1): 1015
6 Year Old Boy with a Right Posterior Thoracic Mass
Simoglou C1, Gymnopoulos D2
1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Hospital of Evros, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
2Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, St. Luke’s Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece
Austin Surg Oncol. 2018; 3(1): 1009
36. Large Diameter Esophageal Leiomyoma
Simoglou C1, Gymnopoulos D2
1 Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, General University Hospital of Evros, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
2Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Private Hospital St. Luke’s, Greece
Ann Carcinog. 2018; 3(1): 1013.
37. Spontaneous Pneumothorax. Surgical Treatment or Thoracoscopic
Simoglou C.
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, General University Hospital of Evros, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Medical Journal- Medical Hours: Medical Association of Evros, Greece
38. An elusive cause of haemoperitoneum complicating cardiac surgery — hepatic tear.
C. Simoglou1, N. Tsolakis2
1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery General University Hospital of Alexandroupoli Greece
2Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery University Hospital of Bristol UK
Hellenic Journal of Surgery (2014) 86:3, 190-192
39. Cardiopulmonary bypass - complication of the tip of the aortic cannula
Simoglou C1. Bertus 2.
1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
2Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery Medical University of Bristol UK
Hellenic Journal of Surgery, September 2015, Volume 87, Issue 5, pp 430–431
40. Traumatic pulmonary pseudocyst- An unusual complication of closed thoracic trauma
Simoglou C. Skarmoutsou A. Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Department, St. Lukas, Thessaloniki, Greece
Journal -Austin Cardio & Cardiovascular Case Reports USA
Austin Cardio & Cardiovasc Case Rep 4(1): id1034 (2019), USA
41. Complication after Lobectomy: Report of Case
Simoglou C1, Bertus I2, Tsolakis N3
1 General Clinic, St’ Lukes Panorama, Thessaloniki, Cardiothoracic Department, Greece
2Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Bristol, School of Medicine, UK
3 General Clinic, St’ Lukes Panorama, Thessaloniki, Cardiothoracic Department, Greece
Austin J Clin Case Rep 6(5): id1157 (2019), USA
Presentations in Greek and international conferences
1. Attempted Suicide: A Problem for Surgical Departments. Analysis of a 22 Cases 2008-2010
Gimnopoulou M.1, Terzi K.1, Simoglou C.1, Kanioti E.2, Gimnopoulos D.1
1Department of General Surgery, General Hospital of Komotini,
2Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic2, General Hospital of Komotini.
6th National Congress of Psychiatry, 3-5 February 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece
2. Traumatic Diaphragm Rupture. Analysis 18 Cases Period 1990-2009
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulou E., Gimnopoulou M., Sovatzidis A., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Department General Hospital of Komotini
6th Panhellenic Conference on Trauma and Emergency Surgery, February 19, 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece
3. Closed Abdominal Injury-Conclusions from the Analysis 620 Cases of twenty years from 1990 to 2009
Sovatzidis A., Gimnopoulou M., Gimnopoulou E., Simoglou C., Babalis D., Chantzikonstantinou N., Gimnopoulos D.
Department of General Surgery, General Hospital of Komotini.
6 Panhellenic Congress Trauma and Emergency Surgery, February 19, 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece
4. Neurosurgical Trauma, fighting a serious problem in Provincial Hospital-Incident Analysis by to1976 to 2009
Sovatzidis A., Gimnopoulou M., Gimnopoulou E., Simoglou C. , Babalis D., Chantzikonstantinou N., Gimnopoulos D.
Department of General Surgery,General Hospital of Komotini.
6th Panhellenic Conference on Trauma and Emergency Surgery, February 19, 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece
5. Treating Colorectal Cancer in the Province of analysis 49 Cases the last five years from 2006 to 2010
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulou E., Gimnopoulos D.
Department of General Surgery,General Hospital of Komotini
4th National Conference colon and rectum, 19-22 May Thessaloniki, Greece
6. Foreign bodies in the rectum. Is Pure Surgical Problem? Analysis 7 Cases of a Decade 2001-2010
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulou E., Babalis D., Chantzikonstantinou N., Gimnopoulos D.
Department of General Surgery, General Hospital of Komotini
4th National Conference colon and rectum
19.22 May Thessaloniki, Greece
7. Hemorroidopathy - Dealing Analysis 102 Cases five years 2006-2010. Compare 2 Methods
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulou E., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Clinic General Hospital of Komotini
4th National Conference colon and rectum
19-22 May Thessaloniki, Greece
8. Dealing with anorectal abscesses and fistulas - Analysis 220 Cases four years from 2006 to 2010
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulou E., Gimnopoulos D.
Department of General Surgery, General Hospital of Komotini.
4th National Conference colon and rectum
19.22 May Thessaloniki, Greece
9. Pancreatic Cancer head and similar area. Analysis of 33 Cases the last five years from 2006 to 2010
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulou E., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical clinic General Hospital of Komotini.
2nd Panhellenic Congress of Surgery of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Prevention in Macedonia 16-18 September 2011, Pieria, Greece
10. Gastric Cancer-Surgical treatment.
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulou E., Babalis D., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Clinic Sismanoglio General Hospital of Komotini.
2nd National Congress of Clinical Surgery Oncology and cancer prevention in Macedonia on 16-18 September, Pieria, Greece
11.The Addressing diaphyseal fractures humerus in E-existing. Incident Analysis 24 four years from 2006 to 2010
Simoglou C.1, Panagiotidis D.2, Riziotis G.2, Tsolakis N.2 , Ahmet K.2, Kougioumtzidis Ch.2, Director of Orthopaedic Clinic General Hospital of Komotini
1Surgical Clinic, General Hospital of Komotini
2Orthopaedic Clinic, General Hospital of Komotini
67th National Congress of Orthopaedics, 12-16 October 2011, Athens, Greece
12. Postoperative Life Satisfaction in Cancer Digestive.
Simoglou C., Panagiotidis D., Gimnopoulou M., Babalis D., Chatzikonstantinou N., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Clinic, General Hospital of Komotini.
2nd Panhellenic Congress of Surgery of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Prevention in Macedonia 16-18 September 2011, Pieria, Greece
13.The Expected and the Real Cost of Laparoscopic Surgery- A Crash Test in a Rural Hospital of North Greece
Simoglou C. , Gimnopoulou I., Babalis D., Gimnopoulos D.,
Surgical Department, Sismanoglio General Hospital, Komotini, Greece
5th London Surgical Symposium and 64th Simpson Smith Lecture and Awards. By Imperial College London 8th September 2011, UK
14. Treatment of Osteoporotic Fractures of the Spine with Method of kyphoplasty. Clinical Experience 2 Years
Panagiotidis D.2, Simoglou C.1, Memet M.2, Ryziotis G.2, Tsolakis N.2 Ahmet K.2, Kougioumgidis Ch.2 Director of Orthopaedic Clinic , General Hospital of Komotini
Surgical Department1 ,General Hospital of Komotini neral Hospital of Komotini
Orthopaedics Clinic2, General Hospital of Komotini
2nd three-nation conference in Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis 30 June-2 July 2011 Ouranoupoli- 9th Congress of Metabolic Bone Disease, Greece
15. Method Response diaphyseal fractures of the tibia without the use of Radiation (Method Kougioumtzidi). Mini open restoration- external fixation Tibia use wafer-butyl Pulp of Frezas- Staple periosteum.
Panagiotidis D.2, Simoglou Ch.1, Ryziotis G.2 , Tsolakis N.2, Ahmet K.2,
Kougioumgidis Ch2., Director of Orthopaedic Clinic
Surgical Department1, Orthopaedics Clinic2, General Hospital of Komotini
67th National Congress of Orthopaedics 12-16 October 2011, Athens, Greece
16. Generalized Peritonitis. Conclusions from the Troubleshooting 308 Cases of 10 years, from 2001 to 2010
Simoglou C. , Gimnopoulou E. , Babalis D. , Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Clinic, General Hospital of Komotini
12th National Congress of Surgical Infections 4-6 November 2011, Athens, Greece
17. Troubleshooting 85 Cases Cancer Breast Decade 2001- 2010 in the Province
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulou E., Chantzikonstantinou N., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Department, General Hospital of Komotini
2nd National Congress of Surgical Oncology and Cancer Prevention in Macedonia 16-18 September 2011, Pieria, Greece
18. Laparoscopic Symfysiolysis-Inherence Ileum
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulou E., Chantzikonstantinou N., Gimnopoulos D.
Department of General Surgery, General Hospital of Komotini
8th Scientific Meeting on Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery
4-6 November 2011, Ioannina, Greece
19. Bulk traffic accident in August 2011 in the Rhodopes. The Treating to District Hospital
Simoglou C., Babalis D., Chantzikonstantinou N., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Department, General Hospital of Komotini
Company Surgery 10th Congress of Northern Greece Thessaloniki 8-10 December 2011, Greece
20. Inherence Ileum. Conclusions The Comparative Study Laparoscopic and open Symfysiolysis in 125 Cases of the Period 2007-2010
Simoglou C. , Babalis D., Gymnopoulos D., Hatzikonstantinou N.
Surgical Department General Hospital of Komotini
Society Surgery 10th Congress of Northern Greece Thessaloniki 8-10 December 2011, Greece
21. The Position of surgery During Hartmann in Emergency Surgery of the Left Colon 2006-2010
Simoglou C., Babalis D., Hatzikonstantinou N., Gymnopoulos D.
Surgical Department, General Hospital of Komotini
10th Society Surgery Conference Northern Greece 8-10 December 2011 Thessaloniki, Greece
22. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) -a comparison clinical findings and Computed Tomography (CT). Resolution 147 Cases Of 2009-2010
Simoglou C., Babalis D., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Department, General Hospital of Komotini
Surgery Company, 10th Congress of Northern Greece Thessaloniki 8-10 December 2011, Greece
23.. Remarks in Implementing the Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) to Seriously ill Six Years From 2006 to 2011
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulou M., Gimnopoulou E., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Department, General Hospital of Komotini
24 Armed Forces Medical Conference 18-20 October 2012 Thessaloniki, Greece
24. Adenocarcinoma of the Appendix - Analysis of 11 Cases the Period 2001 - 2012
Simoglou C. Simoglou L. Babalis D. Gymnopoulou E. Gymnopoulou M.,
Gymnopoulos D.
Surgical Department of General Hospital of Komotini
International Surgical Congress of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI) May 1-3, 2013, Glasgow
25. Stomach Cancer - The Experience of our clinic in the period 1/1/2005 - 31/12/2010
Simoglou C., Simoglou L., Babalis D., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Department, General Hospital of Komotini
38o Annual Panhellenic Medical Conference, 16-19 May 2012 Athens, Greece
26. Syndrome mirizzi
Simoglou C., D Gimnopoulos.
Surgical Department, General Hospital St. Luke's Thessaloniki
1st National Congress of General Surgery 25-27 May 2012
Thessaloniki, Greece
27. Tumor glomus in region coccyx
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulos D.,
Surgical Department, General Hospital St. Luke's Thessaloniki
1st National Congress of General Surgery 25-27 May 2012 Thessaloniki, Greece
28. Acute Appendicitis. A Rare Event Position.
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulos D., Tsolakis M.
Surgical Department, General Hospital St. Luke's Thessaloniki
28th Panhellenic Congress of Surgery -International Surgical Forum
21-24 November 2012, Athens, Greece
29. Primary Modern Spontaneous Pneumothorax- Bilateral
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulos D., Tsolakis M.
Surgical Department, General Hospital St. Luke's Thessaloniki
30. CA anal ring. Interesting event
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulos D., Tsolakis M.
Surgical Department, General Hospital St. Luke's 'Thessaloniki
28th National Conference General Surgery- International Surgical Forum
Athens 21-24 November, 2012, Greece
31. Colorectal cancer: 10 years’ experience in the small town.
Simoglou C., Simoglou L., Babalis D., Gymnopoulos D.
Surgical Department Sismanoglio General Hospital of Komotini
International Surgical Congress of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI) May 1-3, 2013 Glasgow and publication of British Journal of Surgery
32. The risk of perforation in adults with appendicitis is in-hospital delay increases.
Simoglou C., Simoglou L., Babalis D., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Department Sismanoglio General Hospital, Komotini Greece
International Surgical Congress of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI) May which is a member in Pub Med. August 2013,British Journal of Surgery 2013; 100(S7):1-53
33. Injuries colon and treatment
Tsiachris Ch., Simoglou C., Paul K., Stavropoulos Ch., Asouchan Ch.,
Chatzikonstantinou N.
Surgical Department, General, Hospital, Komotini
5th Panhellenic Conference of Greek Society Colon and rectum, 11-13 April 2013 Alexandroupoli, Greece
34. Comments on the granting total parenteral nutrition of operations upper digestive
Simoglou C., D Babalis.
Surgical Department Sismanoglio General Hospital of Komotini, Greece
11th Greece-Cyprus Surgical Congress, 15-17 November 2013, Nicosia - Cyprus
35. Treatment of cancer colorectal adenocarcinoma, during the period 2006-2014.
C. Simoglou, L. Simoglou, D. Babalis
Surgical Department General Hospital of Komotini
13th National Conference idiopathic inflammatory Bowel Disease
May 22, 2014 Congress Centre Delphi, Athens
36. Retroperitoneal Hematoma Tracing: A comparative evaluation of accessible methods of study
Simoglou C., Simoglou L., Babalis D., Gimnopoulos D.
Surgical Department, Sismanoglio Hospital, Thrace-Komotini, Greece
15th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery 2nd World
Trauma Congress May 24 - 27, 2014 Frankfurt / Germany
Published in the journal and on the website of the American Association
Surgery of Trauma (AAST)
38. Complications of Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump -IABP
Z. Gerontitis, D. Mikroulis, Ch. Christidis, C. Simoglou, L. Ampagiomi, F. Constantinou P.Karros, G. Bougioukas
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros
6th Conference Greek Society of Biomechanics
Patras 10-12 October 2014, Greece
39. The expected and the real cost of laparoscopic surgery-a crash test in a rural hospital of north Greece
Simoglou C., Simoglou L., Babalis D.
Surgical Department, Sismanoglio Hospital, Thrace-Komotini,
29th Panhellenic Surgical Congress 12-15 November, Athens, Greece
40. Near and distant results of surgery of lung cancer, the first than allowed (first 5 years) the second period (8 last years)
C. Simoglou, D. Mikroulis, P. Karros, A. Lawal, F. Constantinou, Z. Gerontitis, Ch. Christidis, G. Bougioukas
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros
10th Congress of the Hellenic Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons
20-22 November 2014, 1st Word Meeting of the Hellenic Cardiothoracic Diaspora, Athens, Greece
41. Visuall Loss after cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with coronary artery disease. Presentation Case
Z. Gerontitis, Ch. Christidis, C. Simoglou, F. Konstantinou, L. Lawal, S. Eleftheriadis, D. Mikroulis, G. Bougioukas
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros
10th Congress of the Hellenic Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons
20-22 November 2014, 1st Word Meeting of the Hellenic Cardiothoracic Diaspora, Athens, Greece
42. Two solid presence in over-lesion anterior mediastinum. Presentation case.
Ch. Christidis, F. Constantinou, Z. Gerontitis, C. Simoglou, B. Kaloutsi, L. Lawal, S. Eleftheriadis. D. Mikroulis, G. Bougioukas
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University General Hospital of Evros
10th Congress of the Hellenic Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons
20-22 November 2014, 1st Word Meeting of the Hellenic Cardiothoracic Diaspora, Athens, Greece
43. Obstruction Colorectal Adenocarcinoma. 24 Cases Analysis of the Period 2005-2013.
C. Simoglou, D. Gymnopoulos.
General Clinic St. Luke’s, Panorama Thessaloniki
29th Panhellenic Conference & International Surgical Forum 12-15 November 2014, Athens, Greece
44. A single-institution experience with bevacizumab in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer and in conjunction with liver resection
Simoglou C., Gimnopoulos D., Tsolakis N.
Surgical Department, St. Luke's General Clinic, Thessaloniki, Greece
29th Panhellenic Conference & SURGERY SURGICAL INTERNATIONAL FORUM 12-15 NOVEMBER 2014, ATHENS, Greece
45. The expected and the real cost of laparoscopic surgery-a crash test in a rural hospital of north Greece
Simoglou C., Simoglou L., Babalis D.
Surgical Department, Sismanoglio Hospital, Thrace-Komotini, Greece
29th Panhellenic Conference & INTERNATIONAL SURGICAL FORUM 12-15 NOVEMBER 2014, ATHENS, Greece
46. Transapical transcatheter aortic valve implantation in humans initial clinical experience
Christos Simoglou, Dimitrios Gimnopoulos
Cardiothoracic Department St. Luke's Hospital, Panorama, Thessaloniki, Greece
Liverpool Aortic Valve Symposium VI 26-27 June 2015, UK
47. Ascending aorta cannulation in acute type a aortic dissection.
C.Simoglou, D. Gimnopoulos
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, St. Luke's Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece
Liverpool Aortic Valve Symposium VI 26-27 June 2015, UK
48. As an elusive cause of haemoperitoneum complicating cardiac surgery-hepatic tear.
Christos Simoglou1, Nikolaos Tsolakis2
1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, General University Hospital of Alexandroupoli, Greece.
2Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Hospital of Bristol, UK
Liverpool Aortic Valve Symposium VI 26-27 June 2015, UK
49. Accuracy of Computed Tomography in the Pretreatment T and N Staging of Colorectal Cancer (poster)
C.Simoglou1, D. Gimnopoulos2
1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Greece
Private Clinic, General Surgery, Komotini, Greece
5th World Congress on Cancer Therapy September 28-30, 2015 Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Christos Simoglou, Dimitrios Gimnopoulos, Dimitrios Babalis
Surgical Department, General Hospital of Komotini
30th National Congress of Surgery and the International Surgical Forum 9-12 November 2016 Thessaloniki, Greece
C. Simoglou1, F. Konstantinou1, A. Laoual1, P. Karros1, Z. Gerontitis1, C. Christidis1, N. Nikitidis1, A. Christoforidou2, D. Mikroulis1
1Department Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Hospital of Evros, Greece
2Hematology clinic, University Hospital of Evros
11th National Congress of Surgeons-Thorax-Heart-Vascular
24-26 November2016 Thessaloniki, Greece
Member medical societies (Greek)
1. Member of Greek Company Trauma and Emergency Surgery
and representatives of companies in the Rodopi Prefecture
2. Member of Hellenic Society of Surgery
3. Member of Greek Society of Radiation Oncology
4. Member of Hellenic American Medical Association
5. Member of Society of study lung diseases and occupational chest disease
6. Member of Hellenic Society of Thoracic Surgeons - Heart – Vascular
7. Member of Greek society of Anesthesiology
8. Member of Greek Society Intensive Care
9. Member of Hellenic Thoracic Society
10. Member of Hellenic Society for Emergency Medicine
11. Member of Medical Association of Thrace
Member medical societies (International)
1. European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery
(Trainee Member)
2. Full Member-ASIT (The Association of Surgeons in Training in UK)
3. Full Member-European Digestive Surgery (EDS)
4.Full Member-Surgical Indemnity Scheme (SIS)
5.Full Member-American Pancreatic Association (APA)
6. Full Member-European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
SURGERY ESTES Individual Membership 2014
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