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Journal and News Scan

Source: Journal of Thoracic Oncology
Author(s): Rachel L. Medbery, Theresa W. Gillespie, Yuan Liu, Dana C. Nickleach, Joseph Lipscomb, Manu S. Sancheti, Allan Pickens, Seth D. Force, Felix G. Fernandez

Whether open and VATS lobectomy for lung cancer result in similar nodal assessment is unclear.  The authors compared rates of nodal upstaging for nearly 17,000 patients in the National Cancer Database who underwent resection for T2N0M0 or lower stage NSCLC.  Upstaging was more common in patients undergoing open resection (12.8% vs 10.3%).  This finding persisted when evaluating propensity score matched pairs.  The difference in nodal upstaging was not significant among patients operated on in academic centers.

Source: Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Kwang Ho Choi, Si Chan Sung, Hyungtae Kim, Hyung Doo Lee, Gil Ho Ban, Geena Kim, Hee Young Kim

The authors determined the need for transannular patch enlargement (TAPE) in management of ToF by measuring the ratio between pulmonary annulus size to aortic valve annulus size (GA ratio).  A retrospective analysis of 122 pts who had undergone ToF repair with or without TAPE was performed.  GA ratios were smaller in patients undergoing TAPE.  The GA ratio was a better predictor of TAPE (accuracy 90%) than a traditional method (z-score). 

Source: Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Wobbe Bouma, Eric K. Lai, Melissa M. Levack, Eric K. Shang, Alison M. Pouch, Thomas J. Eperjesi, Theodore J. Plappert, Paul A. Yushkevich, Massimo A. Mariani, Kamal R. Khabbaz, Thomas G. Gleason, Feroze Mahmood, Michael A. Acker, Y. Joseph Woo, Albert T. Cheung, Benjamin M. Jackson, Joseph H. Gorman III, Robert C. Gorman

3D echo was used to preoperatively assess the likelihood of recurrent MR after ring annuloplasty for ischemic MR.  Recurrence was asssociated with P3 tethering angle greater than 29.9 degrees (accuracy 92%).  The authors suggest that valve replacement rather than ring annuloplasty should be considered in such patients.

Source: Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Deepak Acharya, Brian C. Gulack, Renzo Y. Loyaga-Rendon, James E. Davies, Xia He, J. Matthew Brennan, Vinod H. Thourani, Matthew L. Williams

Outcomes of CABG for patients in cardiogenic shock after acute MI were evaluated using data from the STS Database.  The study group of nearly 5,500 patients comprised 1.5% of all CABG patients during the study period.  Operative mortality was 18.7%.  Mechanical circulatory support use was most common in patients with more risk factors or high clinical acuity, and was associated with an operative mortality of 37.2% (preop and intraop use) and 58.4% (postoperative use only).  CABG as salvage had an operative mortality of 53.3%.

Source: Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Brendon M. Stiles, Andrea Poon, Gregory P. Giambrone, Licia K. Gaber-Baylis, Xian Wu, Paul C. Lee, Jeffrey L. Port, Subroto Paul, Akshay U. Bhat, Ramin Zabih, Nasser K. Altorki, Peter M. Fleischut

Readmission after lung resection is associated with increased costs and is used as a benchmark for quality.  Outcomes of more than 22,000 lobectomies were evaluated for factors associated with readmission.  30- and 90-day readmission rates were 11.5% and 19.8%.  Causes for readmission were pulmonary (24%), cardiovascular (16%), and surgical/procedural-related complications (15%).  Preop characteristics associated with readmission were male gender and Medicaid payer status.  Surgical approach and specific postoperative complications were not associated with readmission.

Source: New England Journal of Medicine
Author(s): Goldstein D, Moskowitz AJ, Gelijns AC, Ailawadi G, Parides MK, Perrault LP, Hung JW, Voisine P, Dagenais F, Gillinov AM, Thourani V, Argenziano M, Gammie JS, Mack M, Demers P, Atluri P, Rose EA, O'Sullivan K, Williams DL, Bagiella E, Michler RE, Weisel RD, Miller MA, Geller NL, Taddei-Peters WC, Smith PK, Moquete E, Overbey JR, Kron IL, O'Gara PT, Acker MA.

In this Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network (CTSN) trial 251 patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation were randomized to mitral-valve repair or mitral-valve replacement. The current publication reports the 2-year outcomes of the trial.

This trial shows that there was no significant difference in two-year survival between repair and replacement (19.0% vs 23.2%, HR 0.79, 0.46-1.35), although the trial was not powered to study survival. There was no difference in left ventricular end-systolic volume index between the two treatments. Recurring moderate or severe mitral regurgitation was seen more frequently in the repair group (58.8% versus 3.8%, p<0.001), as well as more cardiovascular admissons and heart-failure related adverse events.

Source: European Heart Journal
Author(s): Glaser N, Jackson V, Holzmann MJ, Franco-Cereceda A, Sartipy U

In a propensity-matched analysis of the national database of Sweden, Glaser et al found that survival among patients aged 50-69 who underwent aortic valve replacement was significantly better in those receiving a mechanical versus biological valves. In a subgroup analysis this was evident in patients aged 50-59 but not in those aged 60-69. These results are crucial in the current era in which surgeons lower the age cut-off for implanting bioprosthetic valves.

Source: J Am Coll Cardiol
Author(s): Milojevic M, Head SJ, Parasca CA, Serruys PW, Mohr FW, Morice MC, Mack MJ, Ståhle E, Feldman TE, Dawkins KD, Colombo A, Kappetein AP, Holmes DR Jr

In an analysis from the SYNTAX trial that randomized PCI vs CABG in patients with complex coronary disease, Milojevic et al found that patients had significantly higher rates of cardiac death after PCI, which was particularly caused by significantly higher rates of myocardial infarction-related death. This analysis is the first in-depth study on specific causes of death from a trial comparing PCI and CABG.

Source: Journal of Thoracic Oncology
Author(s): Varun Puri, Traves D. Crabtree, Jennifer M. Bell, Stephen R. Broderick, Daniel Morgensztern, Graham A. Colditz, Daniel Kreisel, A. Sasha Krupnick, G. Alexander Patterson, Bryan F. Meyers

Retrospective study of surgery versus SBRT for clinical stage I NSCLC using the National Cancer Data Base (NCDB). Propensity score matching was used to create 5355 matched pairs. In that analysis, median survival for those undergoing surgery was 62.3 months versus 33.1 months in those undergoing SBRT. The 3-year survival was 68.5% in the surgery group and 46.0% in the SBRT group. An additional propensity score matching was used to create 4555 matched pairs of patients undergoing sublobar resection (wedge or segmentectomy) versus SBRT. In that analysis, median survival for those undergoing sublobar resection was 48.3 months versus 33.9 months in those undergoing SBRT. The 3-year survival was 61.7% in the surgery group and 47.0% in the SBRT group. The main finding of this study was that patients undergoing surgery for clinical stage I NSCLC have longer overall survival than those undergoing SBRT. The authors state that a limitation of the study is that despite propensity matching, there are unmeasured variables that contributed to treatment allocation. 

Source: World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery
Author(s): Jeffrey P. Jacobs, Marshall L. Jacobs

In January 2015, the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) began to publicly report outcomes of pediatric and congenital cardiac surgery using the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery Database (STS CHSD) Mortality Risk Model. Because the STS CHSD Mortality Risk Model adjusts for procedural factors and patient-level factors, it is critical that centers are aware of the important impact of incomplete entry of data in the fields for patient-level factors. These factors are used to estimate expected mortality, and incomplete coding of these factors can lead to inaccurate assessment of case mix and estimation of expected mortality. In order to assure an accurate assessment of case mix and estimate of expected mortality, it is critical to assure accurate completion of the fields for patient factors, including preoperative factors.
