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Journal and News Scan

Source: New England Journal of Medicine
Author(s): CR Kelly, LE Rabbani

This excellent video and accompanying text provide a nice description of Swan-Ganz catheter insertion.

Source: Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation
Author(s): Jeffery A. Morgan, Athanasios Tsiouris, Hassan W. Nemeh, Arielle Hodari, Joseph Karam, Robert J. Brewer, Gaetano Paone

The issue of this single center experience was to analyze whether the concomitant cardiac surgery had a negative impact during the implantation and the follow up in patients with long term LVAD. The results are encouraging.

Source: Journal of Clinical Oncology
Author(s): DD Sin, M Tammemagi, S Lam, MJ Barnett, X Duan, A Tam, H Auman, Z Feng, GE Goodman, S Hanash, A Taguchi

Pro–surfactant protein B (pro-SFTPB) has been previously identified as a possible blood bio-marker for NSCLC.  This study assessed whether it is an independent predictory of lung cancer development. Blood levels were measured in nearly 2500 individuals in a Candadian lung cancer screening study.  The adjusted OR for pro-SFTPB was 2.22 and the area under the ROC curve (predictive accuracy) was 0.74.

Source: Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Author(s): MS Shiels, RM Pfeiffer, A Hildesheim, EA Engels, TJ Kemp, J-H Park, HA Katki, J Koshiol, G Shelton, NE Caporaso, LA Pinto, AK Chaturvedi

A case-control study within a large screening trial was performed to evaluate the relationship of serum inflammation markers and lung cancer.  Of 68 evaluable markers, 11 were found to have a significant association with lung cancer.  Increasing marker levels were associated with increasing cancer risk. The findings were unrelated to cell type and smoking status.

Source: American Journal of Cardiology
Author(s): Conrotto F, D'Ascenzo F, Giordana F, Salizzoni S, Tamburino C, Tarantini G, Presbitero P, Barbanti M, Gasparetto V, Mennuni M, Napodano M, Rossi ML, La Torre M, Ferraro G, Omedè P, Scacciatella P, Marra WG, Colaci C, Biondi-Zoccai G, Moretti C, D'Amico M,Rinaldi M, Gaita F, Marra S.

In this manuscript the authors evaluate the data from an Italian multicentre registry looking at the effect of diabetes mellitus (DM) on outcomes following transcatheter aortic valve implantations. At 30 days, patients with orally treated and insulin-treated DM demonstrated non-significant higher rates of all cause and cardiovascular death than non-diabetic patients. There was no difference with regards to safety outcomes such as acute kidney injury, vascular complications, stroke or life-threatening bleeding, between diabetic and non-diabetic patients.
Ad midterm follow up (median 400 days), and after multivariable analysis, insulin-treated DM was independently correlated with death and myocardial infarction.

Source: Test
Source: Thorax
Author(s): R Bhatnagar, ED Reid, JP Corcoran, JD Bagenal, S Pope, AO Clive, N Zahan-Evans, PO Froeschle, D West, NM Rahman, S Chatterji, PR Sivasothy, NA Maskell

This multcenter UK review identified 57 patients who underwent indwelling pleural catheter (IPC) insertion for benign causes, primarily hepatic hydrothorax and non-infectious pleuritis.  Infection occurred in 3.5% and successful pleurodesis was achieved in 33% at a median of 71 days.  Hepatic hydrothorax was associated with a much lower rate of pleurodesis.

Source: Journal of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Anesthesia
Author(s): McNair E, McKay W, Qureshi AM, Rosin M, Gamble J, Dalshaug G, Mycyk T, Prasad K

This article compares 2 methods of residual blood treatment after cardiopulmonary bypass. Multipass hemoconcentration led to higher concentrations of platelets and fibrinogen when compared with centrifugation. Clinical outcomes - weight gain, use of vaso-active agents - were reduced in the hemoconcentration group. Further investigation into methods of treatment of residual blood is warranted.

Source: Annals of Surgery
Author(s): Mattar, Samer G; Alseidi, Adnan A; Jones, Daniel B; Jeyarajah, D. Rohan; Swanstrom, Lee L; Aye, Ralph W; Wexner, Steven D; Martinez, José M; Ross, Sharona B; Awad, Michael M; Franklin, Morris E; Arregui, Maurice E; Schirmer, Bruce D; Minter, Rebecca M

This study examines whether graduating general surgery residents are adequately prepared for fellowship with implications for work hour restrictions.

Source: Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Author(s): H Nishikawa, T Oto, S Otani, M Harada, N Iga, K Miyoshi, S Miyoshi.

This experimental study in swine investigated the feasibility of using the right and left upper lobes to perform a left unilateral lung transplant.  They found the technique is feasible and may permit use of bilateral upper lobes in donors whose lungs were rejected because of isolated lower lobe issues.
