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Journal and News Scan
In this article, the authors provide a step-by-step illustrated guide to performing transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair (MitraClip). This is a key article that will be of benefit to all learning to perform MitraClip.
In this article from Innovations, the authors highlight 7 pillars of key advice in performing the frozen elephant trunk separated by the following key areas:
1. Treatment of complex aortic pathologies with frozen elephant trunk
2. Frozen elephant trunk in acute aortic dissections
3. Frozen elephant trunk in chronic aortic dissection
4. Surgical technique
5. Sizing
6. Frozen elephant trunk graft choice
7. Managing in-stent thrombosis complications
This video provides a short glimpse of the Day in the Life of a cardiothoracic surgeon.
There could be some translational value for cardiovascular surgical practice from this prospective cardiovascular health study. The mechanistic link warrants further investigation and interpretation.
This is an interesting, well-written account of pooled results of two medium-size RCTs . It would be interesting to see a third arm of optimum medical therapy in follow-up studies ...