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Journal and News Scan

Author(s): U.S. Food and Drug Administration

On Friday, March 26, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the Harmony Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve (TPV) System to be used to treat pediatric and adult patients with a native or surgically-repaired right ventricular outflow tract who have severe pulmonary valve regurgitation. 

Source: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Norma E. Farrow, MD, MHS, Vignesh Raman, MD, MHS, Oliver K. Jawitz, MD, MHS,Soraya L. Voigt, MD, Betty C. Tong, MD, MHS, David H. Harpole, Jr, MD, and Thomas A. D’Amico, MD

This study analyzes surgery versus chemoradiation for esophageal cancer in older patients.

Source: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Anders Holmgren, Tone Bull Enger, Ulf Näslund, Vibeke Videm, Solveig Valle, Karen Julie Dybvad Evjemo, Örjan Friberg, Alexander Wahba

Holmgren et al. report the long-term outcome of aortic valve replacement patients for bicuspid or tricuspid aortic valve pathologies within a Swedish cohort. In their analysis, patients with bicuspid valve morphology showed an independent association with improved outcome, even matching the general population´s prognosis.

Source: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Ahmadali Amirghofran, Fatemeh Edraki, Mohammadreza Edraki, Gholamhossein Ajami, Hamid Amoozgar, Hamid Mohammadi, Abbas Emaminia, Bahram Ghasemzadeh, Mohammad Borzuee, Farah Peiravian, Zahra Kheirandish, Nima Mehdizadegan, Mohammadreza Sabri, Sirus Cheriki, Hamid Arabi

Amirghofran et al. present a cohort of 21 patients receiving repair of tetralogy of Fallot (ToF) by a new surgical technique using autologous right atrial appendage tissue as a pulmonary valve substitute. This technique was proven feasible with good mid-term results and valve function in patients undergoing ToF repair requiring a PA valve substitute.

Source: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Zaid M. Abdelsattar, MD, MS, Mohamed F. Elsisy, MB, BCh, Hartzell Schaff, MD, John Stulak, MD, Kevin Greason, MD, Alberto Pochettino, MD, Arman Arghami, MD, Philip Rowse, MD, Gabor Bagameri, MD, Vishal Khullar, MD, Richard Daly, MD, Sertac Cicek, MD, Joseph Dearani, MD, and Juan Crestanello, MD

This study compared outcomes of mechanical valves, bioprostheses, and homografts patients undergoing an operation for active complex aortic endocarditis.

Source: World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery
Author(s): Marshall L. Jacobs, MD, Jeffrey P. Jacobs, MD, Dylan Thibault, MS, Kevin D. Hill, MD, MS, Brett R. Anderson, MD, MBA, MS, Pirooz Eghtesady, MD, PhD, Tara Karamlou, MD, MSc, S. Ram Kumar, MD, PhD, John E. Mayer, MD, Carlos M. Mery, MD, MPH, Meena Nathan, MD, David M. Overman, MD, Sara K. Pasquali, MD, MHS, James D. St. Louis, MD, David Shahian, MD, Sean M. O’Brien, PhD

STAT Mortality Categories (developed 2009) stratify congenital heart surgery procedures into groups of increasing mortality risk to characterize case mix of congenital heart surgery providers. This update of the STAT Mortality Score and Categories is empirically based for all procedures and reflects contemporary outcomes. Cardiovascular surgical operations in the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery Database (January 1, 2010 – June 30, 2017) were analyzed. In this STAT 2020 Update of the STAT Mortality Score and Categories, the risk associated with a specific combination of procedures was estimated under the assumption that risk is determined by the highest risk individual component procedure. Operations composed of multiple component procedures were eligible for unique STAT Scores when the statistically estimated mortality risk differed from that of the highest risk component procedure. Bayesian modeling accounted for small denominators.

Source: Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Author(s): Peter J. Altshuler, Pavan Atluri

A brief editorial with a clear message on the importance of genomics in tailoring aortic surgery to individual patients' long-term bicuspid aortic valve disease in the absence of arch dilatation 

Source: Anesthesia & Analgesia
Author(s): Cristobal Anez, Ángel Becerra-Bolaños, Ariadna Vives-Lopez, Aurelio Rodríguez-Pérez

The authors conducted a systematic literature review for evidence regarding prone positioning during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).  Three observational or experimental studies determined that systolic blood pressure generated in the prone position was over 20 mmHg higher than supine, tidal volumes were within the recommended range of 6 mL/kg, and a majority of compressions met standard criteria.  An additional CT study led to the recommendation for hand positioning at the T7-T9 level in the midline, where the anatomy of the left ventricle is widest.  Fourteen case reviews revealed that return of spontaneous circulation was achieved in all cases after a median of 5 minutes, without repositioning the patient.  Recommended placement of defibrillator pads are illustrated as bilaterally under the axilla or alternatively, one midline under the left axilla and another above the right scapula.  This evidence suggests that prone CPR may generate superior blood flow due the relative stiffness of the costovertebral joint which allows greater exertional force, displacement of the diaphragm and abdominal viscera, but may be more strenuous for the rescuer. It should be noted that all patients in the case reports experienced a witnessed arrest with a secured airway, and CPR was initiated rapidly. While acknowledging that publication bias is likely, the authors conclude it is reasonable to perform CPR in the prone position for several minutes before repositioning. Given the recent increase in prone positioning due to COVID, this report is a timely review that is of great interest to OR and ICU providers.

Source: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Sabin J. Bozso, MD, Jeevan Nagendran, MD, PhD, Michael W. A. Chu, MD, Bob Kiaii, MD, Ismail El-Hamamsy, MD, PhD, Maral Ouzounian, MD, PhD, Jorg Kempfert, MD, Christoph Starck, MD, and Michael C. Moon, MD

This article describes midterm results of the Dissected Aorta Repair Through Stent Implantation trial.

Source: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Krish C. Dewan, BS, Suparna M. Navale, MS, MPH, Sameer A. Hirji, MD, Siran M. Koroukian, PhD, Karan S. Dewan, BS, Lars G. Svensson, MD, PhD, A. Marc Gillinov, MD, Eric E. Roselli, MD, Douglas Johnston, MD, Faisal Bakaeen, MD, and Edward G. Soltesz, MD, MPH

This study looks at the relationship between failure to rescue and patient frailty after cardiovascular surgery.
