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Lung Cancer - Surgery

July 26, 2014
Outcomes of lung adenocarcinoma classified according to the new IASLC/ATS/ERS system were evaluated in this retrospective single-institution study involving 573 pts who underwent surgical treatment.  Histologic patterns were associated with sex and tumor TNM factors.  Recurrence was higher in micropapillary and solid-predominant cancers.  These subty
July 4, 2014
To illustrate the potential need for regional quality improvement efforts in thoracic surgery, the authors conducted a study of lung resection in Washington state using a discharge database including nearly 8,500 pts over a 12-year period.  Inpatient mortality decreased over time but there was no change in the incidence of prolonged length of stay. 
July 1, 2014
This single institution retrospective study compared outcomes for lobectomy and segmentectomy using propensity score matching.  For 312 pts in each group, there was no difference in logoregional or overall recurrence rates.  Operative mortality rates were similar for segmentectomy and lobectomy (1.2% vs 2.5%).  5-year surival rates were also similar
July 1, 2014
This randomized trial of high risk patients with small clinial stage I cancers randomized pts to sublobar resection with or without adjuvant brachytherapy.  The median follow-up for 222 pts was 4.4 years.  3 year survival was identical (71%) between the groups.  There was no difference in time to local recurrence.  Brachytherapy did not significantly
June 20, 2014
Bilobectomy and right lobectomy were compared in a retrospective case-control study with 117 matched pairs. Space-mismatch related complications were not more frequent following bilobectomy, however, the rate of cardiovascular events was higher after lower and middle lobectomy compared with lower lobectomy.
June 10, 2014
This report on 127 pts with atypical pulmonary carcinoid evaluated clinical and pathological prognostic features.  Recurrence developed in 25% of pts during follow-up, with sublobar resection being the only independent predictor.  Survival was related only to distant recurrence on multivariable analysis.  The authors recommend complete standard anato
May 9, 2014
Using the Nationwide Inpatient Sample, the authors evaluated outcomes and costs of VATS (37,595) vs robotic (2,498) lobectomy 2008-2011.  Robotic lobectomy was associated with higher rates of complications, particularly cardiovascular and iatrogenic bleeding, and higher costs ($22,582 vs $17,874).
May 6, 2014
67 patients without a previous history of lung cancer underwent FNA of a GGO with results suspicious for, but not diagnostic of, adenocarcinoma.  47 pts who elected to undergo resection were compared to 16 who opted for observation.  6/16 observed pts developed interval growth or increase in the solid component of the GGO and 5 underwent resection or
May 6, 2014
Clinical outcomes of patients with lung adenocarcinoma were analyzed with respect to the histologic subtype of adenocarcinoma.  Histologic pattern was associated with sex, T status, N status, and stage.  Recurrence was higher in patients with micropapillary and solid tumors.
May 3, 2014
This systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data from 15 RCTs (2385 pts) assessed the utility of preoperative chemotherapy in patients with primarily stages Ib-IIIa NSCLC.  Chemotherapy resulted in a 13% reduction in death (HR 0.87, p=0.007), and a 5% survival improvement at 5 years.
