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Lung Cancer - Surgery

August 20, 2015
This expert opinion editorial is published in JTCVS in response to the article by Chang and colleagues. Meyers and colleagues begin by emphasizing that a large randomized controlled trial (RCT) would be the best way to answer the question of whether SABR or lobectomy is superior treatment for patients with early stage NSCLC.
August 20, 2015
This is a letter in response to the article by Chang and colleagues. The authors point out that only 58 patients were enrolled from 38 centers over 66.3 months, and speculate that this might be due to patients' preference for surgery.
August 20, 2015
This is a letter in response to the article by Chang and colleagues.
August 20, 2015
This is a letter in response to the article by Chang and colleagues. The authors warn to interpret the findings of the original article, that SABR is better tolerated and might lead to improved survival compared to surgery for good risk patients with clinical stage I NSCLC, with caution. They highlight two pitfalls of the original study.
August 20, 2015
This is a letter in response to the article by Chang and colleagues. The authors begin by stating that the data from this study should be graded according to an internationally accepted system, GRADE.
August 19, 2015
This is a letter in response to the article by Chang and colleagues. The authors state that this type of analysis was necessary as it is difficult to conduct a clinical trial that involves new technology.
August 19, 2015
This is the authors' reply to the letters submitted to The Lancet Oncology. They begin by stating that the strength of their analysis was that patients were randomised, thereby avoiding selection bias. With regards to low accrual, one major factor was failure of thoracic surgeons to participate. In addition, stage I NSCLC is relatively uncommon.
August 11, 2015
This single institution retrospective study evaluated the relationship of adenocarcinoma subtype to long-term survival after resection of stage I lung cancer.  Patients with solid-predominant tumors experienced recurrences earlier, more often in distant sites, and more often in multiple locations.  This subtype was also independently associated with
July 20, 2015
This study explores the genetical contribution to lung cancer in non-smoking patients using a state-wide cancer registry for lung cancer (n=5544).    This study provides insight into which non-smoking patients are at risk for lung cancer.
July 14, 2015
This meta-analysis evaluated results from 6 studies totalling 868 patients randomized to local control (radiotherapy vs surgery) after induction therapy for NSCLC with N2 disease.  Four studies evaluated induction chemotherapy, the other 2 evaluated induction chemoradiotherapy.  Differences in outcomes were not significant, but there was a strong tre
