Guidance document to assist in decision making and triage of congenital cardiac surgical patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Critical Care
April 14, 2020
Guidance Statement from the Canadian Society of Cardiac Surgeons (CSCS) and its Board of Directors on patient assessment and triage, risk reduction, and real-time sharing of expertise and experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
April 1, 2020
This is a moderated discussion of the COVID-19 experience in South Korea during the winter of 2019-2020.
April 1, 2020
Useful series from the Pacific North West, main questions:
-Why four patients who had a do-not-resuscitate order on admission were included in the dead and, ultimately, why been admitted in an ITU/ICU setting?
-How come no sputum samples from nine fatalities were ever sent for bacterial culture in an ITU/ICU setting?
March 31, 2020
Joanna Chikwe interviews Thoralf M. Sundt about cardiac surgery in the era of COVID-19.
March 26, 2020
In a cohort of 416 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, nearly 20% had elevated troponins indicating myocardial injury. These patients also had a host of other serum and radiographic abnormalities, were older, had more comorbidities, and more often required ventilatory support. Their mortality rate was 51% compared to 4.5% for other hospitalized pa
March 25, 2020
A thoughtful commentary about the need for a triage committee to determine the optimal allocation of ventilators in a time of competing needs, and how these determinations are best communicated to caregivers and families.
March 25, 2020
This is an interesting systematic review looking at the evidence so far for chrloroquine for COVID. it is a fast moving field but this cheap option to treat coronavirus may soon become accepted for treatment once the studies have been fully evaluated.
March 24, 2020
A succinct comment with a wealth of up-to-date references vis-a-vis the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
March 22, 2020
Joel Dunning, Aaron Morton, Jill Ley, Rick Bell, and John Whitlock discuss STS protocol for the management of cardiac arrest after cardiac surgery, an expert consensus statement that was published in January of 2017.